
About the band
Spasibo (tr. “Thank you”) is a Moscow-based double drum set indie band. Their story dates back to the end of 2000s with frontman Rasel Rakhman writing songs while taking long walks home after nights spent partying. Now, a decade later Spasibo is an established band in Russian underground scene. They are known for their wholesome live performances, songs that make people wanna both cry and dance themselves clean and friendly reminders to call your grandparents.
Their last self-titled album was released at the end of 2019. It was critically and publicly acclaimed, but the band never had a chance to tour with it. Жираф (tr. Giraffe) was realized in 2017 and it features a poem from a Russian poet and traveler Nikolay Gumilyov. Супергерой (tr. Superhero), released in 2019, is an upbeat song about fighting your inner fears and anxiety.
1. Giraffe
2. Superhero
Photography by Alexandra Senkina
Director: Tair Polad-zade и Philip Zadorozhny
DOP: Philip Zadorozhny
Sound Design: Sergey Pdluzhny, Pavel Eremeev